Meet Sam also known as "Grimmers" as his nickname.
Sams personality is moody and can get angry when he doesnt get what he wants. His girlfriend is Monica in the show (Freshers). Sam attempts to force Monica on drugs quite alot which has caused alot of conflict on their relationship with him forcing her and also his drug taking.
In order to characterise "Sam" and bring him into his role of the drug dealing character; costume was important: We dressed him in all black and dull colours as well as with a baseball cap on to slightly hide his face in order to disguise himself slightly and to show his hidden life to drug dealing.
Monica/ Mon - Sams Girlfriend:
Meet Monica also known with the nickname of "Mon".
Monica is Sam's drug dealer girlfriend, she is frightened of Sam as he constantly forces drug's onto her in order to "have fun" together. Sam is forceful onto Monica and she is known to be the vunerable one in the relationship.
In order to get Monica into her character role we dressed her in her costume as a "normal teenaged girl" which consisted of jeans a t-shirt and a leather jacket, very day-to-day and casual. This gives off to the audience that Monica is just a normal teenaged girl from the way she dresses, we also decided on minimum makeup so that her scared/frightened emotions on her face show well through and also how fragile she can be towards Sam. Her hair was also just down and straight.
Josh/ JP - The Gay
Meet Josh who is addressed by the nickname of JP by the characters of the story
JP is best friends with Sophie one of the girls in the group of people in Fresher's, he has been struggling with his sexuality for a while and has previously had girlfriends. Within the trailer of Freshers it comes out that JP is gay and has been dating boys for a while, the shock hits Sophie quite alot and therefore creates conflict between their friendship as she feels betrayed.
In order to get JP into his character role; we dressed him from how we have seen sterotypes in other programmes such as Desperate Scousewives with the gay married couple. We dressed JP in tight denim fitted jeans along with a pink polo top buttoned up to the top and tucked into his jeans, "geek" glasses were also used to exagerate his appearance on film.
Sophie/Sophs - JP's Best Friend
Meet Sophie whos name is sometimes shortened to "Soph's" by friends within her social group.
Soph's is JP's best friend and has been for many years, she has always been around to give JP advise with girls and any other issues which have affected him, she has always been a big part of his life and is aware of everything going on in JP's life with being his best friend. Within my trailer there is a deep shock for Soph as she finds out that JP has been dating "guys for a while" which creates conflict in her friendship with JP as she has been lied to by her best friend.
Soph's is a normal teenaged girl therefore we dressed her character role we dressed her in her costume as a "normal teenaged girl" which consisted of jeans and a top, very day-to-day and casual with her normal hair also as she has been filmed in a house environment we wanted her to look comfortable.
Harriett/Hal - The Runaway Teen
Meet Harriett who is also referred to as "Hal" her characters nickname in Freshers.
Hal has been struggling with family problems at home for a long time and also arguments with her sister and issues within home-life have made things unbearable for her to cope, Hal is in the movement of moving out of her family home and running away by leaving a letter for her Sister to find whilst she has packed her bags and left for good. Hal's personality isnt really shown at first as she is deeply un-happy and that is all their is to show.
As for Hal's costume we decided on dressing her in her parka coat as she will be travelling for a while if she is running away and as for props she had her mobile phone which was most valuable to herself along with her bag of clothing and stuff that she was taking with her on her travels.
Shadia/Shad - Hal's Sister
Meet Shadia, also know as Shad as her nickname in Freshers.
Shad is Hal's concerned sister in Freshers, she has also been struggling with family problems aswell as Hal. However Hal is Shad's only sibling therefore she is concerned about Hal leaving the house and leaving Shad on her own, this is effecting her quite alot and she isnt to sure what to do.
Shad is a normal teenaged girl in a home environment and has just woken up, therefore we dressed her character role we dressed her in her costume as a "normal teenaged girl" which consisted sweatpants and a top, very casual with her normal hair also as she has been filmed in a house environment we wanted her to look comfortable and like she had just woken up.
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